A few Thunderstorms

This is surely best viewed in LARGE!

I could feel the damp in the wind when I went on my blipwalk just before 19:00 this afternoon, it was like a crisp breeze in the heat! Lovely!

As I approached the back gate of the property, I saw lightning and heard the rumbling of thunder, far away over the mountains, and this is what was happening! At the other side of the dam, towards Pecanwood as well as in the direction of Broederstroom, I could see lovely showers of rain! Here is an 'almost the same angle shot' of this specific view!

We hoped it would move over to us as well, but not yet! Although we are getting a lovely shower or two every night, for about a fortnight now, since we've done Ernie's garden! He is a real spoilt child of Jesus's! He had no need to water his new garden ever since it was planted, we had rain once every day since!! ;-)

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