Hiya Quack-Quack

14 months 13 days

This morning katie was sat eating her breakfast and I passed her this duck toy. She said 'hiya quackquack' and waved for ages. Then filled it with her satsuma. We were then dancing to 'walk like an egyptian' on the radio and she thought this was hilarioius.

We've had a productive but uneventful morning, doing lots of pottering round the house. I've managed to tidy all the upstairs rooms, with Katie enjoying playing with different things in each room. She was playing in her swing in my room and for the first time figured out how to make it swing without me pushing her. She thought it was brilliant. She also said pushchair today, as she ran towards it, hurling baby in (who she'd just tried to feed her sandwich and had wrapped up in a duster-blanket!)

We walked to tesco for nappies and stuff for tea, and she walked the whole way there and most of the way back, so it wasn't too surprising she ate a really good lunch before I put her down for a sleep.

We spent this afternoon playing some more. She was loving playing in her bedroom, and spent ages laughing at the cars whizzing down the ramp on her garage. In about five minutes flat her room had more stuff out than when I'd tidied it earlier on.

I'd forgotten a couple of bits so we popped out again and I was all ready to cook stew and dumplings, but she decided she was absolutely starving, so had some tea at 4.30, and then stole my sandwich off me. Which she took into a corner to scoff. She's now having a bit of a ball tipping the farm figures out of the box, back in and then out again.

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