Made it!

2years 74days

We had a slightly mad morning - clearing up after having friends round, mixed with getting sorted to go away. Plus Katie then decided to go to sleep at 930. We also arranged to pop and see her friend Jack and his mummy. The children had a lot of fun playing together, especially in Jack's cot, while the mummies looked again at bridesmaid's dresses for Katie and Tatiana.

Katie and I then headed out for the train to London. We arrived at the station to find our direct train cancelled. We were told we could go to Doncaster and no further. We were shortly after told we could go to Doncaster and attempt to get on any train that was going to London, but it would be standing room only. So we took the next Doncaster train, which we couldnt get a seat on. We arrived with three minutes to go before a train to London, and got on it no problem, thankfully, although we didnt get a seat then either. Katie was really sleepy most of the afternoon and spent a lot of it swaddled in my (wide and long) scarf.

We went through St Pancras - stopping briefly to look at the HUGE lego Christmas tree - before getting our last two trains of the day - by which point Katie wouldnt sit in the seats as she seemed to think that wasnt what we did. The last train took us to Lyra, Ellie, Pooky and Tom! I cant believe how quickly the girls settled with each other again. There was brief shyness, but very soon Lyra was determined Katie would sit with her for tea, and they all wanted a communal bath. Then high speed running. Round and round Pooky. The shyness had passed. Katie and Lyra had a great time playing together - theoretically using the aquadoodles, and feeding babies with water bottles, but neither of them drew, they both just drank the water.

Katie was very pleased by the amount of Peppa Pig in the Cheeky Girl household, which her Peppa jammies coordinated nicely with. Just for the evening alone, the journey was worth it.

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