Painfully early start to the day. Mr B graciously got up to help get us all out of the door on time. An alarmingly slow drive to the airport left us running through the terminal to catch our flight. Usual sharp intake of breath at the price of water on Ryanair flights. But we were on time, and the car started (after a month in a cold car park that wasn't a given). Bit of a battle to pay the parking ticket as none of the machines would accept non-French cards but we were finally on the way. The tummy bug that had been violently affecting friends in London was beginning to make it's presence felt with me, so the thought of two hours on the road far from toilet facilities was not attractive. Happily we made it home with no unfortunate incidents, even managing to find time to stop for this roadside shot of Canigou.
Seeing it again made me realise that there's nowhere in the world at the moment gives me that sigh of happiness in finally reaching home. It's not here, not Fife. Hopefully we'll have a new one soon.
No supermarkets open meant I was scrabbling in the cupboards to cobble together something for lunch and dinner. Crisps and biscuits did for the former, pasta with chorizo (and for me a sauce made from onions, garlic and tomato puree which had been in the fridge for a month or two but seemed ok and anyway - it couldn't make me feel any worse) for the latter. Still, my afternoon sitting in the sun (14 degrees - nice) was lovely.
I'd managed to leave my camera cable at home, so no blipping. An early night then after the slightly underwhelming, but hopefully still to build further, Archers special.
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