Life in Fife ©

By LifeInFife

Well Thats That Then...

A dull and overcast day here, with a sprightly wind which we have not felt for a good few weeks.

In preparation for the return to the "real" world today was a day of household chores. For me that involved taking down the tree and all the Christmas paraphenalia. Hardly seems like any time at all since I was excitedly pulling it all out of the box.

By lunchtime the downstairs was all ship shape and back to normal, wreath, baubles, tinsel all packed away. Please note I have neatly coiled the lights....lets see what mischief they get up to in the Christmas box this year. Pound to a penny they are in a fankle when I open them next December!

Mr Lif looked out the window this afternoon and noticed that the beast of satan had a flat tyre. Cue sleet and snow while he went out and changed it for the spare. Sods law. At least there was a spare. He seemed rather nonplussed when he asked me if I had one, and my reply was a shrug :)

No walks today, instead a bit of mellowing in front of the TV watching some comedy films :)

A glass of wine and then early to adjust that body clock!

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