
By ineffable

New Year's Plunge

I signed up for a 10k on NY Day. I dragged the husband, Liz and her beau. It was a great run, a difficult one, but a great one. I got a quick pic as we were about to embark on the beach part of the run. I love it, and Liz really loved it. So I am blipping it.

She challenged me to come back, even with a broken camera and post from where ever I can. She also reminded me about her 5 thankful things. So that's the deal. A photo a day with 5 things that I am thankful for. If you're curious about what else I am up to you can check out my blog.

So here are my 5 things

1) The ability to run and take ocean plunges.
2) New years, new starts.
3) An incredible family.
4) The opportunity to get an education.
5) Sunshine.

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