Quiet Blipper

By Islandcat

Rainy day ducks

The rain settled in over the Island this afternoon about 2pm and stayed. P and I were packing up, heading back to Vancouver after a great rest. In the busyness of packing up, I forgot about a blip. I could have seen that the rain was coming. ;-)

Just as we left the dock this wonderful flock of golden eye ducks sailed briskly by.(at least I think that is what they are. Ready to stand corrected.) They looked like I felt, in a hurry to get out of the rain. Not sure that is true but they were on a mission! Not a great shot but shows the drizzle and the way everything goes flat grey with the rain and low light. The ducks provide a bit of lively relief. This variety is only here during the winter months and are a real treat.

A photo to mark the day.

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