Pig Flu

I've been ill for a short while but last night the swine finally revealed itself as suspected fully blown pig flu. After a brief chat with my doctor it seems the NHS no longer do 'same week' appointments, and if I want to see my so called local GP then I have to wait. Pity no one told the piggy flu that eh?

So the advice from the health experts who get paid out of our taxes? Stay in bed, drink lots of fluids and stay warm. Wow. Thanks for that, because I was planning on becoming dehydrated, going for a run in my pants and then retiling the roof.

Anyway I got up to go towork and that idea lasted about fifteen minutes. I got dressed, went towards the bathroom and then found myself crouched on the floor in pain as the swine works its way through my battered body. My Mum (who you may or may not know is my lodger, long story but I stress my Mum lives with me, not vica versa) immediately sent me back to bed and made arrangements for me not to go to work. Nice.

Anyway that means todays blip is fairly substandard yet again. I'm not actually reading Mr Nice anymore. When it came out I loved it, ebing an ex smoker and someone with very strong views on our countries drug laws. Howard Marks came to Lincoln about seven years ago and I took my herb grinder there to be signed by someone who I held in high esteem. Strange how times change isn't it, now I'd much rather meet Bruce Parry. I no longer see someone who imports foul tasting hashish into the country a hero. However it was the only book I had on my shelf, plus it gives me a chance to hit out at our archaic drug laws. Imean seriously we can let imbeciles drink strongbow on a park bench and yell abuse at passers by, by a group of students can't spend twenty hours eating hob nobs and playing Xbox stoned? Same with that Mephedrone stuff they banned last year, I stress I didn't use it, but the papers reported a lot of 'Mephedrone related deaths'... a mephedrone related death could be someone who has it in their pocket, hasn't taken it but gets run over by a bus. Funnily every documented death on the drug the user had also has a substantial amount of alcohol: nobody banned that though did they. Disgusting.

Rant over. Back to my two duvets and lemsips. I hope it continues through to next week so I can actually see the GP my taxes pay for.

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