Who knew?

By InOtherNews

Incoherent and Restless

The title describes me during the twelve hours of darkness from evening until morning. This flu has me unable to settle, unable to get even an hours unbroken sleep. I've had really mental dreams about all sorts that seem so real, even heard people talking in my room who aren't there. It's the most ill I can recall being, and I can admit that it scares me.

Todays blip is some little white berry type things that are dying on my hedge just outside the back door. Making my way downstairs was tough enough, let alone venturing out into the garden. I kinda had to, Rascal had been missing all day.

Apologies for not really commenting on peoples blips the last day or two. My internet connection at home makes it really hard, but I will improve on that over the weekend. Also thanks to people for their get well soon messages. One lovely blipper even found time to send me a text which is always welcomed.

So I haven't done anything at all apart from sleep, not sleep and count the hours between my doses of super strength flu powders. Therefore I have to base my rant today on something that really matters to me: Politics.

Okay so it doesn't really matter to me, but listening to Ed Milliband on TV rattling on about VAT increases being unfair really wound me up. Labours alternative is a rise in National Insurance and Income Tax. How mad is that? Remember the items most hit by the VAT increase are luxury home items such as big TV's, as well as consumables such as beer. Okay so petrol is hit, but are the poorest families really losing out? Does the fact a 50" widescreen TV will cost you £15 extra really affect the average 2.4 children family? No. Also remmber VAT is not applicable on newspapers, nappies and basic foodstuffs. Therefore the poorer families won't be hit as hard as those who live decadent lifestyles.

It angers me that the coalition government is taking so much flak. Had there been no agreement made in May our country could have crumbled, and now both parties are having to make sacrafices to their original policy. Everytime I see Millibands nasty little face on TV I can't help but think how ironic his stance is. At the end of the day it was his party that destroyed this country. Not everyone likes Cameron / Clegg and most socialists hate everything the Torys stand for. However our countries political history takes this format: :abour spend money we haven't got, the Tories come in and sort it out but become unpopular. Then Labour come in, screw it all up again.... you get the picture.

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