Life thru a lens

By mintfree

No gimmicks

Finding it hard to bring interest to the blip screen, and keep the shots coming without any gaps. Still coughing, although have noticed that the amocticillin, or however it is spelt, has made a vast improvement. Turning more into flu now with a trail of used tissues wherever I go...sorry, slight exaggeration.

Can't believe that I have been stuck in this house all week! Today I must have watched at least three movies back to back! For dinner I had a cheese and pickle sandwich...(Don't ask) When all I really wanted was a big Mac meal...But as my younger sister pointed out, 'What's the point, you won't be able to taste it!'

Here are the c.ds I received for christmas, that I still haven't got round to listening to...Think Whitney is great, and as for the other two, they feature most of the songs that Kiss 100 breakfast show play on my journey to work, and I love them also. I shall be purchasing some more c.ds when I am free of this...thing...Something to look forward to :)

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