Furnace Lass

By furnacelass


Hi , I'm new to blipfoto and have been browsing around the images for a week or two before signing up. I've really enjoyed looking at all your images.
Today was a very lazy day, the family , who were all here for Christmas have all gone back to their various homes, so very relaxing. Nothing to do except laze abot then go for a walk along the loch path ( Loch Fyne ) with Oscar our border collie. Not much light out for outdoor shots today so tought I would have a go at some lillies I was given at the new Year. Tonight is a shot of a bud yet to open hope to follow it up as it opens out. Would be really interested to hear all your constructive comments.

Sorry it seems I have uploaded an image with a border , here is the altered one with the border removed , thank you to those folk who advised me about this and to the moderators for their help.

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