
So happy te be able to get back on line. No power, internet, mobile phone since we woke up on Tuesday morning. At least we had hot meals and some warmth as we have a calor gas cooker and a gas fire in the living room.

The storm caused lots of damage everywhere but I think , although we were without power for 61 hours( see power cut ) at least our village did not suffer as much damage as many others did. Some minor roofing damage in the main village and damage to fences etc. I must have tied up my wee boat really well as it hasn't moved much but someone else's rowing boat has been washed up just below our garden , fortunately all the sea weed & debris etc washed up in the high tides prevented it from hitting mine.

We have stayed indoors beacause of the torrential rain and winds Tuesday and Wednesday but today , Thursday brought blue skies for part of the day. However I didn't venture too far as I really din't fancy getting chilled and having to return to a house with no central heating .

No outside blips but the chilli pepper plant caught my eye with the tiny chillis dried and wrinkly. We had taken them in from the green house then forgotten all about them during the festive season.

Hope everyone is surviving the winds and power cuts.

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