Today's the day

By sheilwill

DC 19

Today's the day ................... to move forward with technology

It's rather a sad blip today - and by 'sad' I mean 'get a life'. This is because what you see pictured above is the Christmas present that Will and I gave each other?!

We were actually going to treat ourselves to a new what I would call 'hi fi' system to replace the one in the kitchen that is well past its sell by date. We use it all the time but it now refuses to recognise CDs. So we went to get one of those but they don't seem to sell them now. All you can get are docking stations for your i-pods or some such other thing of no use to us. Then we saw the vacuum cleaners - and we knew that really we needed one of those quite badly.

So this is the Dyson DC 19 with patented Root Cyclone technology which uses centrifugal forces up to 100,000 times the force of gravity to remove even microscopic dust from your home.

I suppose it's going to be very useful - and it is quite a nice purple colour - but I can't help thinking that there's something gone a bit awry with our present-giving this Christmas ................. ?!

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