Oh dear..Now I'm in trouble...

In the last couple days...
Trashing mummy's phone till its totally dead,
Turning daddy's touch screen locked mobile, to foreign,
finding mummy's camera, & attempting to re-hide it,
throwing food across the floor before treading in it,
sending mummy's comp crazy via pressing shiny buttons,
throwing things down the toilet whilst giggling insanely,
Sneaking up, my eyes spotting something on the table,
a hand whipping up and stealing it, before they notice,

all this is nothing,
Absolutely nothing,
compared to attacking mummy's John Barrowman collection,

Oh S**t Now I am in trouble, serious trouble....
er were do they leave the passports?!!!

(Edit to add...the year ago entry, hmmmmmm lil miss grumpy, good to see some things don't change!)

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