
By FauxPunk

The Dark


Another rough night - temperature had come down, but I still wasn't well enough to work. Made my appointment with the docs, and Mathew kindly dropped me off there on his way to his first lesson.

I expected a telling off for taking my flu-like symptoms to the surgery - there was a sign in the waiting room telling me not to do so, but to call for advice instead (handy that, placing a sign there for me to read after I'd already arrived?!?). The DR was a lovely woman though, I really really liked her. I could tell she was bored hearing about flu (probably all she hears at this time of year) but she was very reassuring and sympathetic all the same. She seemed very interested in the fact that I've had a cold/sniffle/cough that I've been unable to shift since the first week of November, even before this flu hit me, so it was my turn for some Shiny new antibiotics. Big-boy doses of Amoxicillin - I used to be prescribed this routinely whenever I had a cold (or dental work?) as a kid, as I'd been born with a hole in the heart (long since naturally healed ). It's just not the same as the lovely banana-flavoured yellow liquid of the 80's though :(

The 10 min walk home took at least twice that, and I have to say I was absolutely paggered! Although my temeperature was back to normal, I was all clammy by the time I got home, and needed to go to bed.

Mathew came home early after some of his learners resheduled their lessons. He was knackered too - it seems he hadn't recovered quite as well as we thought, and maybe did a bit too much with that long drive on Sunday, and then working all day Monday.

An invitation to the pub quiz was politely declined, as we just felt too poorly :( This was a shame, as we would've liked to have gone to see James, as he leaves Wales for good in a couple of weeks.

At 7 o'clock, I got up off the couch as our Boiler started making a rattling noise (it does this some times). Just as my backside left the seat, the house was plunged into darkness. I saw the streetlights go out too... Penarth (or the substantial view of it, down to the Sea) had no light. The Boiler stopped rattling - we have Gas central heating, so I wasn't aware that electricity affected it, though Mathew knew otherwise. So at the time we would've normally been heading to the pub quiz, we were instead sat in the darkness with only one candle, and no internet (due to the absence of a clock-work router). The powercut lasted a full hour, and even made the news :-D The latest info is that the fault at the primary sub-station was caused by metal-theft vandals. Exciting!

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