
By FauxPunk



Today was my scheduled day off from work, so I took advantage of the long lie. Managed right through until nearly 11AM, which is kinda unheard of these days. It had still taken me a while to get to sleep, but at least I managed eventually. Left Mathew still sleeping - which NEVER happens... if I've no reason to be up before him, he's ALWAYS up before me!

The pair of us were completely knackered all day, and lacking in energy. We did attempt to get some fresh air by going into town for a bit, but it seemed we'd over-stretched ourselves. I wasn't as snuffley, and sinuses seem to be clearing up, but I've developed the most appalling cough. All the way around town, I couldn't go two steps without coughing. Mathew commented that I should go straight home - at first I was touched by his concern for my personal health, and then I realised he just didn't want to be seen in public with such a disgusting sounding/looking creature! Charming!

Appetite still wasn't great, but I managed a "proper" meal for the first time since New Years Day breakfast - fish pie and curly fries. We're just getting there with eating meals, it's a bit too soon to be cooking properly ;-)

On the plus side, although I can honestly say I don't remember the last time I was this ill for this long (my only previous experience of Flu hit on New Year's Day 2000 but only lasted a couple days) it has really kick-started my New-Year diet! Just a shame that it's probably mostly down to dehydration!

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