Planko's Pics

By planko

First digital camera

Late home from work, and forgot to put the tripod back in the boot of the car this morning, so no chance of light trails or anything else on way home this evening.

So, filler blip time. Found my first digital camera this evening in a drawer in the kitchen. How could i possibly throw out something that still works, which has captured my adventures in Japan, my daughters first attempts at swimming without armbands in Cyprus, both kids first day at school, Christmases, birthdays, weddings and lots of fun events.

I still remember rushing down to Jessops (when it was still a proper camera shop) and buying this the week it was launched in the UK. Cost about the same as my DSLR cost last year, but as far as I'm concerned was well worth it.

I've simulated an old damaged photo look to this shot which i think works pretty well.


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