
By shy

Batman is up and running..

Up until 28th December, Abigail's unborn child had been unofficially christened "Batman" by his older brother, Henry. This was much to the annoyance of his parents, but much to the amusement of the Shy/Flick household who at every opportunity referred to the child as "Batman" (as the reaction was so pleasing). Yesterday, however, this all changed, because yesterday Abigail's unborn child was born - (and shares the same birthday as Elmer!)
He came into this world at 11:37 by C-Section - 12 weeks early to the party - and started to cry straight away. He exceeded everybody's hopes by being a colossal three pounds in weight (two is average) and started to breath on his own. All signs are good, and everybody is excited and relieved that the first hurdle is over - even though we know it will be a long race.
Abigail is recovering post-op very well and is looking forward to being able to sleep on her front. For now, just being able to sleep will do.

Flick and I saw the baby today in the Special Care Baby Unit. He is tiny, but perfectly formed and has now started to grip his mother's finger. He's already got jaundice (totally expected), and when we saw him, he was under an ultra-violet light in his incubator. Unfortunately, I couldn't find the UV white-balance setting on the camera, so all the pictures taken of him are various shades of blue.

They are searching frantically for a name now, as "Batman" just will not do. Front runners are Freddy, Theo, Louis and Archie. We have our favourite, but we don't want to influence them in any way.

It wouldn't be fair on Archie.

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