Happy Birthday M!!

Today is the birthday of my beloved, though fár, fár away, son M (MissU2)

I am still, and will always be dééply under the impression of the miracle that happened that Sunday afternoon 7th January 1968 at 16:10 and I still thank my dear Lord, for giving Mike and I this great person to share our lives! I love him to bits, and I adore his beloved Z! What a lucky person am I, to be loved by my two children in Sweden, as well as the three here with me, in sunny South Africa!

I love you, and wish I could be with you today!! ;-) Thank you for the nice chat on SKYPE just now, it was só lovely to see you and hear your voice, it was almost like you were back here, like in September/October when you visited!

M, a very Happy Birthday to you, lóóóts of love, health and wealth, may you and Z have even more love and happiness together in the years to come, keep on loving and appreciating each other, you are such a great couple!

Enjoy your evening with I&C as well as R, N and little B! Give them all hugs from me!!


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