Things That Annoy Me #2: Buying Jeans.
It's cold out, so you put on a few layers....jersey, scarf, heavy jacket, hat etc. You reach the shop that sells these....jeans. The temperature in the shop is always the extreme opposite of the temperature today it's close to that of magma. You're immediately sweating with all your layers on. You must work quickly. Three pairs of jeans plucked from the racks and off you go to the fitting area. The changing 'room' is the size of a coffin. It's incredible you even managed to fit your 6ft frame inside it.
The first pair of jeans are The Optimistic hope beyond all hope that you've got the same waistline you had the last time you bought jeans.....and you try so very hard to squeeze into them. This is hard work. You're sweating even more. Prickly even. You call the cat 'a tit' even though he's at home, curled up in front of a good film.
Exhausted and depressed you try on the next pair and, fitting or not, you're buying them.
You drop into the newsagent on the way home only to find that the second issue of your replica model magazine isn't in yet.
At home, your partner stifles her laughter as you show her the bell-bottoms you've just bought.
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