jeni and the beans

By themessymama


We had a dressing-gown morning this morning. It stretched into the afternoon really. Ben and Steve read nursery rhymes until they got to "round and round the garden" at which point it threatened to degenerate into a ticklefight... which of course Ben loves. He especially loves the anticipation of tickling, sends him into paroxysms of delight and giggling! But I think yesterday's swimming has worn him out, he's had two days in a row of day time naps now. Soooo tired. Caught this moment of conversation between them, almost blipped it, but the delight from the tickling just makes me smile :)

Swimming by the way - brilliant. First lesson of Swimtots last night. Parents stayed out of the pool (well, we dangled our legs in) while the little ones swam with the tutors. We got a few minutes in the pool with them at the end, but they all did SO WELL!!

Eggybread and american pancakes for brunch (a major lack of cream or maple syrup led me to the discovery that golden syrup and greek yoghurt is a GORGEOUS accompaniment to pancakes) but I'm hungry again already now. Toasted teacake, anyone?

Today's jobs:
* Fixing the front gate (currently underway)
* Cleaning a very muddy bike
* Cutting some more tiles for the bathroom
* Putting Ben's radiator back on his wall
* Another coat of paint on the mantlepiece

It does seem like all these jobs are jobs for Steve. I feel a bit guilty writing it all down, it feels like I'm writing a list for him, which I'm not.

Get a fire lit later on, and watch Doctor Who (finally!) once Ben's in bed. Maybe with another glass of sloe gin and tonic. And a slab of brie to go with the crackers. Mmm. Looking forward to this evening already!

Oh yes, I've posted some early backblips if anyone's interested...
Prettifying the front room, 16th Dec '09
A wrap in the snow, 18th Dec '09
Christmas Day 2009
Nephew Nathaniel, 27th Jan '10

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