jeni and the beans

By themessymama


So much I could say about today. It's been a day of answers, for me. Of reassurance. I might blog about it at some point, when I've got my thoughts together.

In short, I've been struggling for a few months spiritually - it hasn't been a case of does God care about me, it's been a case of does God even really exist? I've been a Christian for many years and I guess really it's been a time of simply having to have faith, to remember the things that God has done, to remember the times when I've been so sure. To have faith. It's not all about feeling it all the time.

So today... today I was at the point of not caring what the answers to my prayers were, I just wanted reassurance that there was somebody listening.

And I have been answered loud and clear and I am so so grateful to faithful friends who listen and speak what they are given.

I am blessed.

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