
By mattleach


Nearly forgot to blip today! First time in ages.

Went shopping to Merry Hell, sorry Hill. The idea was that it would be a quick in and out job, but shopping just doesn't work that way with Mrs L!

My back absolutely killing me again! Back on the pain killers! I guess it's balancing out all the good luck I had yesterday!

Will has been a pain in the ass all day and our kitchen is a complete mess due to him! Luckily it allowed my to snap this blip as I hadn't got anything else! I won't say what it's all about yet as we can have the big reveal another day!

Will's about to have an early night! Big day tomorrow with his first football match for his new team so long as the weather holds up? Cup game against the top of the league. I think I'm more nervous than him!

Villa won their FA cup match 1-3, against Sheffield United today. I'd forgot what it felt like to win a a game! Please, please, please be the start of our resurgence?

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