Dr Jones

By jones

Running in the park

My daughter has signed up for a mini marathon at the end of the month and she had arranged to go running with her friend in the park. I said I'd tag along on my bike but the girls persuaded me to run with them (not an easy task with an SLR camera). I'm proud to say that we ran two and a half miles. It's been couple of years since I went running. If I keep this up I'll be as thin as a pencil by Easter !
We came home for a cup of tea and shared a packet of Custard Creams (maybe I won't be pencil thin !).
We are still without the car so we all had to go to town by bus to do some shopping. The two girls bought a scrapbook and they are going to start a running journal and fill it with lots of pictures. Looks like I'll have to take the camera out on every run.
We had a visit to shakeaway before jumping on the bus home. My son's exploded on the bus and went all over hubby's coat. Hubby was not amused. The ferrero rocher shakeaway is delicious.

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