Dave's Views

By davethespoon

Spring like

The sun shone all day, clear and bright from dawn until sunset with barely a cloud. With the snow gone and the light picking out patches of green foliage it was almost spring like, once you got out of the wind. I strolled across Rodborough Common with Fiona chatting about our new interest in rural landscape history and trying to interpret the landscapes around us. Still a lot to learn I think before our attempts are anything more than wild guesses and hopeful pot shots.

With no clouds in the sky and a little haze in the air the wider views were a little ordinary but here and there the light picked out features like this garden lawn and conifer, as we looked across towards Amberley from near the Bear Hotel.

Weather was good enough that I was able to spend the afternoon working in the garden on constructing a pole lathe (pictures and explanation in a few days when it's finished). Very pleased with progress and hopeful of another fine day this week to have chance to finish it and try it out.

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