The Meldrum Michies

By meldrummichies


Funny how things you've planned don't often turn out they way you planned them...I had great hopes for getting heaps done in the house today but then we decided to head out to Bennachie for a walk. You know, blow the cobwebs out (or the beasties aroon' us, aboot us, oot us as we say in our house). We had a great walk - the kids were on top form and even the wee man managed to toddle around the slippy paths quite the thing.

Dad was busy trying out his bushman technique of detecting squirrels - much hilarity and UP-spoofery from the kids.

And then we decided to head to the out-laws to drop off some bits and bobs. The afternoon quickly disappeared and before we knew it we were having to figure out a way of feeding fifteen with leftover roast beef and tatties. We made the biggest pot of Stovies I have ever seen - we ended up having to put it into a Jeely Pan as normal pots would not suffice.

Affa, affa fine.

Home now - kids bathed, bedtime almost sorted and blip done. So I can finally get round to attending to my jobs. Or maybe just have a Baileys and watch a film?

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