Pop in

It was all groping so well today. Early start. Enough time for fancy breakfast location. Then messgaes all bought. And the chores started. Great headway through the "to do" list.

And then.

The unexpected pop in. And associated chat. Although I use the verb "chat "here very very loosely. They chatted, I listened. I listened to the tales of family conflict, of the threat of sacking from an unreasonable boss, to stories about the lack of support from folk in the same interest group. I noded, sagely. At no point diod I say "have you ever thought that all of these people may be right.....and it could be you that's wrong. In fact maybe you just like being a victim.....?" No I didn't. But jeez, I wish I had....

So several hours later, the chores are still outstanding. I am on blip. And they're not going to get done anytime soon; I've a very busy week.

Anyway, this is an interesting candle. It's in a glass and it's burning in such a way that the top few milimeters are melted. My other candle is in a glass and it's burning down in the middle. Hmm. One possible explanation is that the later candle is from ikea, that will be a socialist candle, and the one in this blip was given to me by a Republican (I know, I know. But she is the first Republican I have ever met)

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