As Told By Ginger

By 9to12

Doctor Gregory House

I went to the dentist again this morning. I saw my aunt and cousin there which was weird...small world. Then I went home and chilled for a while until Doug and Nick showed up at my front door. I was feeling adventurous so I just left my house and got into Doug's car, not knowing where it would take me. We ended up at Doug's house and played Black Ops for a while. Doug gave me my birthday present in the car. Then we decided to walk to Nick's parents' office (they're chiropractors) which is only about a 10 minute walk from Doug's house. When we got there, Nick gave me my birthday present. It was just as amazing as he said it was going to be and he was right, I almost peed my pants. He got me an amazing Livestrong jacket that I said I really wanted when we went to the mall a while ago. It's sooooooo prettyyyyyy. :D THANK YOU SO MUCH NICK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

After I put that jacket on (now I'm wearing 3 jackets), we walked for 2 minutes to McDonalds for lunch. After that, we walked to Nick's house and played Rock Band for a little bit. Then Doug beat us at Sorry! and I had to leave for church. Nick's dad said we could sleep over if Nick cleaned the house while I was at church and Doug left while he cleaned. That sounded like a plan so we did that. Doug ended up not being able to come so it was just me and Nick. We played Black Ops and watched Scott Pilgrim vs. The World and House. Did you know that Hugh Laurie is from the UK? I didn't know that. He certainly speaks like an American jerk flawlessly. I love that show so much. I was going to ask for some seasons of it on DVD for my birthday but they're $60 each so yeah no.....

This is Nick playing the drums he has in his basement.

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