As Told By Ginger

By 9to12

Mean Girls Virgin

We made posters about respiratory diseases in science today. Me, Avery, and Paige made one about emphysema. I drew a diagram about something secret in math today....I think I did a pretty good job. I hung out in science olympiads for a while after school. Then I went home and chilled until 6:00 when I went to Friendly's with Carly, Sophie, Julie, Gwen, Brianna, Alyssa, and Maggie for my birthday. They sang the birthday song for me. It was embarrassing...but it was nice. :) Then we went to Gwen's house and watched Mean Girls. There are sooooooo many funny jokes in that movie and it's so great to quote it. Julie was a Mean Girls virgin (as in she's never seen the movie).

Good night.

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