C is just for Catherine

By CisforCatherine

Hole in the Wall

At last the building work is progressing!

It's the New Year and we are having some new windows put into the side of the house, hopefully to create lighter spaces in the playroom & spare room, or 'Granny's room' as the kids call it.

Chris & I are both back at work after our mad weekend in the country for T & Polly's 40th birthdays. After 20 years of friendship we are under the illusion that we are all still 20 and proved it by staying up Kareoke-ing til 5.30 in the morning!! The illusion - needless to say - was shattered by the hangover!

I went to the hospital to get a new boob! The weird thing is that I've had it on all day and it feels normal. Well, as normal as a bit of squidgy plastic can ever be! Having had no feeling there before anyway, it's just as if it's real. Although having to take it off and wash it before I go to bed may dispell that illusion too!!

So, a weekend for shattered illusions - fortunately neither of which are particularly high on my list of cares! I love being nearly forty with wonderful friends, I love my new life and living in this wonderful house and I love being alive enough to care that I have a plastic boob to replace the broken one.


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