Fish Force 5

By fishforce5!

My wee sister (sibling 2) started her next university placement as a trainee physio-the-rapist today at an NHS treatment facility for the old.

While she's been off rubbing the elderly, my mood has been getting ever more odd and confusing.

Do you know what I mean?

Why doesn't Selfridges sell fridges?

Should I rent out the space in my nostrils?

France. Why?

If my bike was proving difficult to ride would that make me buy-pedal?

Why does the Ashes trophy remind me of Subbuteo?

If I concentrate all of my fitness efforts on one buttock will I eventually start to walk in ever-decreasing circles?

Doesn't Brazilian sound like a really big number?

If I devoured a New Clear Disarma Mint would I be one step closer to world peace?

Doesn't the word 'funge' sound a little dirty?

Instead of something being 'the focus of much scientific research', I say that from now on (and by the power of Greyskull) that that something is currently being...
1. Heavily scienced.
2. Scienced to within 2.54cm of its life.

Easily: Like an Easel. (OK, that one's not mine).

How do Tefal get the non-stick coating to stay on the pan?

A bad workman is a tool.

Does anybody know why I'm still typing?

Very odd mood. Blah.

Thia is a very silly blip. Apologies.


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