Colorful Life Journey

By suriLife

Time to Go ...

Well, it's time for me to go, but I kind of missed riding a bicycle.

My cousins decided to go bike riding at East Coast Park in the afternoon, what the heck!! I decided to join in the crew with an excuse that they might need adult supervision.. NOT!! It's just an excuse for me to ride a bike!!

It's been over a decade since I rode a bike. I thought I won't be able to ride one.. Amazingly!! I remember how to ride one.. so we rented about 5 bikes. What an awesome feeling!! Yippee!! Am riding a bike!!!

I even rode it in the rain: whoosh!! there goes my bike...

What happened at the end of the bike riding??
I had a sore thigh and an aching body and not to mention my ass too!! But it's worth it!!

All in the name of having FUN!!!
And to RECONNECT the relationship which was once strained ...

"Blood is thicker than water" so they say ...

Truthfully, they helped me forget the things that I've been going through at that moment.. I do Thank my lovely cousins and nephew for doing that for me.

I'll always remember this moment guys and gal ...
Do missed them right now!!

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