Colorful Life Journey

By suriLife

Happy New Year!!

Although it's not new year yet, I like to wish every blippers and netters:

Happy New Year 2008!!

I've made several resolutions but NO!! am not losing my weight as am already too skinny. Anyhow, my resolutions would probably be broken soon after the New Year.. aha!! So I guess I should just dump the resolutions and replace it with reflections...

I'll be leaving 2007 fill with memories,
Sad memories and happy memories,
I'll always keep them close to my heart ...

Friends.. word that I don't despise but made me sad,
I saw this quote on a T-shirt:

"Friendship ended,
when it never even start"

It sound true to what had happen recently to me..
Thus, I am leaving 2007 with sadness and hope
that things would get better in 2008,
misunderstanding between friends would be replace with something
better .. I hope in 2008 ...

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