
By MissAhmed


Today when i was passing through Main ground of Forman Christian College after having a cup of tea. I remembered the beautiful first and second semester time. When i had to come early at 7:30AM because my sister's school starts at 7:30am. I used to spend my morning with Maria sitting in front of N-block. She also use to come because of the same reason. Then Qudsia and Zaryab use to join us.
Then we go for a walk on the roads of FC college. Then calling Rabbeya to wake her up because she use to come late in every early morning class. Wasting time with Anum and Faiza. scolding Faiza for isting to much music all day. Laughing with Anum and Amna in Islamiat class and coming late from the break given between classes.
Now we don't have time to meet regularly and go for a walk. But this semester we took out time for each other and had a party. Zarayab was not their because she is now married and she is mother now, so beautiful time.
If they weren't there i won't have a great early semesters in FC college

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