
By stravaig

Kingdom of the Ice Behr

Having obtained a replacement set of ice grippers (see yesterday's blip) off Behr and I went for a walk in the sun this afternoon.

I clearly recall the 'smile and wave (they've bought our forecast again)' weather forecasters on television yesterday evening saying that the termperature would be comfortably above freezing today. Wrong!! It was well below freezing. The walk was a continuous battle against the ice. I saw a few folks falling - none hurt thankfully.

One thing with ice-grippers on shoes. It may lull others who dont have them into thinking that because you are walking reasonably ok that it must be safer ground and that of course is not necessarily the case.

Behr's pace of walking in any conditions is measured, deliberate and of a very even pace. 'Hurry' is a word that simply does not compute with him. Just as well in these conditions as he picks his way carefully over the icefields with apparent ease.

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