
By lifeandstuff

"The greater the loyalty of a group toward the group, the greater is the motivation among the members to achieve the goals of the group, and the greater the probability that the group will achieve its goals." Rensis Likert

Or something..... Not the best of days, It started with a taxi driver saying to me "Never let the illegitimate son of a camel get you down." As I climbed in... "Er pardon?" Was my response. "where are you off to?" So, there was the start to the day. I am sure It was very nice, whatever he meant.

And not the blip I wanted either..I had two others, one of a half eaten mince pie, I say eaten, I mean binned.... Couldnt stomach another mince pie after the three boxes I have had in my staff room....and mostly eaten myself as nobody else seems to like the things.. So that was to mark the proper end to the festive season, When the pies are gone it really is time to get down to business...
The other, I was trying to take, when someone came up to me and said "ooooh what are you taking a photo of?" (while waiting for a bus, and she decided that moment would be a good one to stand and have a natter).... then the bus came. And I was left blipless. Not that I am anti social.... Well, today, maybe I was... But it was a good blip! :-) Anyhoo.. Another day. So.. today, Im spreading the luuuuv... one, because Ive had a pish er, challenging day, and am trying to cheer myself up, and two, because this was in my bathroom ready to photograph.... And ooooo Its my 10th blip!, so does this mean I get a little camera and not an "L" sign now? woohoo! well, theres something to celebrate! :-)

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