All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Smiles and stretches

Another early alarm call from Ethan this morning - 5.45am. I had hoped for a birthday lie-in but it obviously wasn't meant to be! He did drop back off to sleep at 8.30am which was bad timing though as we had to leave the house at 10am to get to Bounce & Tickle. He only napped for 30 mins though so we made it on time. This photo was taken as soon as he woke up in our bed ... with big stretches and smiles for mummy!

After Bounce & Tickle (which he didn't want to leave - he threw a minor tantrum when I tried to get him to go) we headed home for lunch and then out to Tumblezone to meet MissusB and Lucinda. We nearly didn't make it though as the slushy snow from yesterday has turned to solid ice and it took me 15 minutes and lots of running back and forward with my shovel to the grit bin, just to get the car over the small bump in the road just past our driveway. It was sorth it though as he had a great time at Tumblezone and I think Lucinda enjoyed herself too. It's so wonderful seeing our 2 "babies" crawling around at top speed and climbing up the playframes so well.

We then did the weekly shop at Sainsbury's - dont' think I could afford to shop there every week - I always seem to spend way more there than I do when I go to Morrisons!

Hubbie bought me a big French Fancie cake for my birthday - yum! Don't think there will be much left by tomorrow!

(Have backblipped for yesterday as had problems uploading on the day).

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