Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol


We made a visit to the Channel Islands National Park this morning and learned that the "Tall Ships" are here for the next several days. So we were able to see one as it sailed into the channel filled with a field trip of school children. Two of the sailors were quite high up in the rigging and we could hear the children being lead in sailing songs. It was obvious they'd had a good morning on the ocean.

Later in the afternoon we saw the same ship on the water in front of this vacation home, so Mr. Fun caught the capture of the day when he grabbed the camera, zoomed, aimed, focused as best as possible with our little cheapie point & Shoot.

This morning the off-shore wind blew causing the spray off the waves to be quite visible. It's been chilly cold all day. We've stayed in our heavy jackets every time we've headed outside, which is what Mr. Fun, Chloe and I did late this afternoon when we walked to the frozen yogurt store for a snack and then on to the grocery store to get the few things my sister needed to make the evening meal.

The sky has had a low ceiling all day and a light rain fell just about 6:00 p.m. It's been quite beautiful with the islands visible all day.

Good night from the beach at Ventura in Southern California.
Rosie (& Mr. Fun, and Chloe), aka Carol

P.S. The Internet connection in this house is very weak, so I am not getting to comment much. I'll catch-up with my viewing and commenting later. Sorry!

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