ow ow ow!!!!

Not a good day for me today, all my plans went out the window after I fell at toddlers club. I was washing up the coffee cups and turned and saw that a little hand was shut in the door (turned out to be my Erin who is fine). I ran out to open the door, slipped on the entrance foyer wet floor and went down. Unfortunately my ankle twisted and then I landed on it. Initially myself and another lady thought it was hilarious (my sense of humour) but then I thought oww that hurts. Hobbled home with the children and had lunch here with Jayne and Amelia, when Istill couldn't put weight on it 2 hours later I took boot off and had a look and it was very swollen. Went to local gp and they sent me to country hosp for x-rays. Wishing I had gone to main hospital a+e cos basically was sent home after x-ray they then email it to doc who gives initial opinion over phone and then tomorrow afternoon I have to get proper results on phone from hospital. I may have had to hang around in a+e but at least I would know for sure.
Initial opinion though is it's not broken just badly sprained so hoping that's right. On crutches and not aloud to put any weight on it for 3 days, I can't anyway lol
This'll be fun with toddler twins!!

Thanks for all my lovely messages yesterday I will thank individually over the next few days

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