The Meldrum Michies

By meldrummichies

Crochet Flower

Still recuperating after my grand fall yesterday - Dr appointment in the morning - I'm pretty sure that they'll confirm that I have, in fact, fallen on ice and hurt myself and that it will, in fact, continue to be sore for a few more days until it starts to ease off.

So another day at home for me - on my own for the most part which was very weird in a house that is normally buzzing with the noise of three kids. Didn't get out so had to put on my thinking cap for something to blip in the house. Unfortunately my thinking cap is a bit muzzy with all the painkillers - but did find my latest piece of Handmade by Ash crochet loveliness. I'd have blipped the beautiful scarf that she made me for Christmas but it's upstairs and the stairs are proving a bit of a challenge today...

My lovely bezzie, Ash, made this equally lovely crochet flower for me. She has become a dab hand at crochet over the last few months, and I have commissioned* her to make me lots of things. Unfortunately I have inherited my gran's inability to hold knitting needles or a crochet hook without doing myself or someone close by me an injury. Thankfully I did inherit my gran's ability to make soup. I might not be able to knit myself a scarf but I at least I'll no starve.

*apparently actually commissioning someone involves paying them - not just begging and pleading and cutting out photos of things you want crocheted and sticking them to your friend's forehead until she agrees to meet your demands.

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