The Meldrum Michies

By meldrummichies

Birthday Boy

Our wee man turned three today.

He was a bit of surprise in the beginning - being as his big sister was only seven months old when we found out we were expecting again. But what a wonderful surprise he turned out to be.

He is moody - crosses his arms, pouts and sits in corner. He roars like a dinosaur when he wants to let us know that he is really, really angry. He decided yesterday that his favourite thing was Fireman Sam. He really likes Hama beads - but calls them Callum beads. When he is happy he tells me that I am his "very best friend".

This morning when he crawled into bed with us and we wished him a happy birthday his response was "Happy Birthday Mummy" and "Happy Birthday Daddy".

When he was born he made our family complete.

Happy Birthday Callum - our beautiful wee boy.

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