
By Appreciation

Strictly Come Blip

Wow ? 100 Straight photographs! I am so thrilled that I was given a blip account or else I may still be a stalker.

I have learnt a number of things over the last 100 days, which include:-

* Two years is too long to have a camera and not know how it works
* Always remember to carry your camera - eejit
* Manual reading can play a very important role - boring!
* Make sure you have your memory card! - choob
* Carry a small plastic bag ? you never know when
you may want to get down and dirty
* Try to remember that not everyone shares your
enthusiasm ? Really?!
* Butter up as many models as possible ? Well hel-lo
* Stop looking at people through your thumb and
forefingers - they don?t like it
* Try to scale down your imagination - just sometimes
* Its never too late to buy a book and learn ? blah, blah, blah
* Blip is a wonderful community with such open, warm,
friendly and very clever people ? Feel the Love, Love, Love!

I never intended for my journal to be a diary of events, it just evolved that way
and feels right. Thank goodness there is always a laugh to be found.

Oh and lastly thanks Jen for looking after the Red Balloon, I think it?s my turn
For a Shot. I really hate balloons though.

P.S. Thanks to my models who went along with this before school - payment will be negotiate later I expect - love xxx

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