Susan i Oslo

By susanioslo

Dance Norway

Not a very typical birthday blip....but a typical Susan photo :) I cant believe I am at 300 - the act of doing a photo a day...everyday....has started a process within me that is hard to explain but very positive :)

Still, the real Blip day will be when I hit 1 year....then we will celebrate!

Lovely Friday.....I love fridays :) I spent quite a lot of time up at the lake taking photos, using my tripod. As much as I am enjoying my tripod, it also feel limiting - I dont move as much and it feels harder to "just get the right shot." I need practice :) Good thing I have 65 days left!

This is a photo of cross country skiers out on the lake near where I live....Somehow the scenery seems so large and the people so small. The graceful movement of the crosscountry skier out in nature is, for me, a true dance. Beautiful - the skiers appear to be a part of the landscape.

E. has a friend over and D is at his schools "disco" :) Nice! I am going to work a bit now have a glass of wine..... Hope you all have a lovely Friday evening and weekend.

I really appreciate all the support I get here.....both in and out of Blipland. It means a lot :) .....thank you guys xxx

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