Susan i Oslo

By susanioslo

My river in winter 2

First, I just want to say thank you for all the lovely comments yesterday. They made me very happy. I am soo grateful that I am doing this 365 project here in Blip - so many great people in here - couldnt be better :)

This has been a wonderful Saturday - I got up early and met C. at the gym for an hour. Got home and had waffles with the boys and nice slow morning before we headed off to Ikea - which was fast,easy and even fun today :) Now they are off with friends and I had a trip to the river with my camera and now and maybe even the newspaper??? Oh so lovely!

Tonight we have a good group of friends coming over for a taco feast - easy and fun. I think we are going to be about 14 apt is small :) Hope the floor doesnt cave in :)

Hope you are all having a wonderful Saturday :)

And thanks again ..... :)

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