Life in Fife ©

By LifeInFife

Taken From a Safe Distance

You will have to excuse the quality of this image. It was taken at around 9:15 this morning. In these here parts, the sun is barely fully risen at that time in the winter. So all of you softie southerners who hate it when the clocks go back might want to spare a thought for the darkness which is winter up north.

It was also taken from a safe distance :) As you may recall the swans at the quay seem to be taking a bit of a fancy to me. So you can only imagine how perturbed I was this morning to see that instead of the usual loving pair there were now 6 of the beggars. Three more swooped down just before I ran for the camera. Its a veritable infestation!

On a more serious note there were some young with the pair towards the back of the shot - so hopefully they have come into the quay for safety. I wont be getting to close though - well not without body armour!

Hopefully I will get some nice sharp images in the future!

And....and....and ITS THE WEEKEND

Another week of the longest month in the year is over :)

Have a great weekend. Tomorrow I will be, mainly, blipping in the rain (I am sure there is a song in there somewhere)

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