Life in Fife ©

By LifeInFife

Old Course St Andrews

We ventured into St Andrews today for some necessary bits and bobs. The weather is and was vile. Clouds touching the ground, rain and wind. Not that pleasant to be out in.

After the chores in town we headed out to the West Sands with the dogs but did not stay there for long as the rain and wind were unforgiving. Poppy was very disappointed when we headed back to the car.

We stopped briefly on the way out of St Andrews. Mr Lif got out of the car and wandered off towards the Old Course. I stayed closer to the car (and the warmth)

The image shows a couple of things of note;

The Old Course Hotel - very expensive, home to the stars when the Open is on. I think it was built in the early '90's and at the time caused much consternation locally. It was initially painted white but is now this strange yellow/brown colour. Not somewhere often frequented by mere mortals

The Jigger Inn - thats the little white building to the left of the hotel. It dates back to the 1850s, when it was the station master?s lodge. Is a lovely cosy wee pub which I believe is now owned by the hotel. It used to be a great place to go for an early evening snifter. Though I have to say it must be about 15 years since I last was there

The Swilken bridge - probably one of the most snapped parts of the Old Course. Apparently it is not known which stone masons built this famous bridge or when it was built, but what is known is that it was built to accommodate safe crossing of the winding Swilken Burn as it flows down to the sea.

The Sky - about to fall in on us. As we drove home, darkness fell even thought it was only 3pm. The clouds opened and dropped a bucket load of rain!

So thats a wee bit of background for you!

Have a great Saturday. Cava time :D

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