A Suburban Mum's Diary

By ScottishMuminUS

The First Time For Our Last Book Club Meeting

The First Time is quite apt given this is the first time I am writing in this Journal. (Well I did do one previous entry that I later deleted!). I have to say I am not too sure about my commitment level to this new find...I do like that I don't have to complete an entry every day or even every month, but will I become addicted?! I have not really used blipfoto.com primarily due to the fact I have struggled to find a suitable photograph that day: not too personal, not too risky...and does anyone really want to read what I have written? Who will be interested in what I have to say?! Anyway, I have decided to persevere and follow my friend's style...a little bit of news as and when. So, that all being said...we had a fantastic night last night at our monthly Book Club Meeting. It really should be called Wine Club, in fact, it started off life as the Well Red Book Club - whatever happened to that I wonder? I had picked the book and struggled to find a book with the right mix of drama sex and intrigue (LOL!) and I have to say everyone did enjoy this read saying they couldn't put it down. We've had some pretty heavy reading of late and this was a bit lighter albeit about a very serious debilitating illness that forces Mattie's guilty husband to return home after he leaves his wife for his mistress - such an old-fashioned word! I thought my friend Marie in Chicago might like this book as the story is based there with Jake, the husband, being a high-profile, Chicago Attorney. As our wine nights often do we ended the evening with a visit to our local roadhouse - seemed a good idea at the time! There was the usual mix of serious pool players, girls showing off their tats - that's tats not tits - cowboys and there was even a man in a wheelchair with very black feet. I just wish they'd buy in some decent wine - White Zinfandel is really not my thing - yuch! Well we made it home safe and I still have a large penis cake in my kitchen - seriously - I might have to post a picture tomorrow. Happy Birthday my dear friend and to the other two who pulled it off (the trip to the erotic bakery that is), well done my friends!

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