All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Up High

As anyone who knows us will appreciate, getting hubbie to agree to pose for a photo is no mean feat. Getting him to smile is pretty difficult. Getting Ethan to look in the same direction at the same time is nigh on impossible, especially when he's being distracted by all the cars in the car park at the time!

Busy morning today. Hubbie working so Ethan and I went to the library to return some books. He had great fun crawling around the kids room while I picked some new books. The a trip to The Centre which wasn't as busy as I expected for a Saturday. Ethan fell asleep in the car on the way back and I actually managed to get him out the car and on to the sofa without waking him, where he carried on sleeping for a while longer.

The weekly shop followed once hubbie returned in the afternoon and before we knew it the day was nearly over! Brother-in-law popped round on his way home from work to pick up the headrest for our old Maxi-Cosi which we've given them for their baby, which is due in about 5 weeks. We were just about to order an Indian takeaway so he ended up staying for dinner too. Ethan even tried a bit of my veggie korma and loved it! I hope we don't get an explosive nappy overnight as a result!

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