As She Sees It

By AsSheSeesIt

Garden Shop Primroses

As I write this, it is raining so hard the gutters outside my apartment are overflowing and forming a small river that runs down the parking lot to the street. Out on the corner, the storm drain is not able to keep up and a lake has formed and has taken over about 2/3 of the side walk.

So, in self defense I went to the garden shop to dream of spring and summer. I found a small selection of primroses and nobody around to tell me I could not rearrange the display. This is the result of various tries at color combinations and DOFs.

After the garden shop I went to a craft store and bought some bits and bobbles; those will probably play a role in tomorrow?s blip.

I have carrots, fennel and onions in the oven roasting as step one toward a pot of soup. A good movie and a glass of wine may be on the menu as well.

Happy Blipping!

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