Our five mile world

By hazyheap

Severe flood warning!

Last night we fell asleep not knowing whether or not we would be marooned by rising flood waters or not.
First light showed that our track to the main road was dry and that the fields around were full of water.

Before having breakfast we headed off for the village to get Sunday papers, nursing this image of returning to a pot of freshly made coffee, bacon rolls, piles of newspapers and a relaxing Sunday ahead.

Well...............as you can see our main road had begun to flood and the water level was rising very quickly.

Getting through was no problem but as we have found to our costs in the past, returning home can be another matter.

So we have had a different day than was imagined in my head.

As I blip this, the water level is dropping and we are now more confident than ever that we will be OK.

ever the optimist!

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